You’ve been invited to book a telephone appointment with a Care Coordinator so that we can understand more about you’re current general wellbeing and how you’re managing with your day-to-day life. This is a holistic assessment.
As this is a new service, we understand you may have a few questions, so please continue reading to find out more.
What happens in the appointment?
In this telephone call, you’ll be asked questions about your day-to-day activities and general wellbeing, this includes:
- independence in daily actives
- mobility and falls risk
- mental wellbeing
- diet and lifestyle
This telephone call should last somewhere between 10-20 minutes, depending on your current health and needs.
What is the reason for this appointment?
We want to make sure that you’re getting any and all of the support you many need for any unmet needs you may have at the moment.
Even if you’re feeling fit and well, or feel you have no unmet needs, we strongly encourage you to book in.
It is also a chance for us to keep your record updated and inform you of any appointments, checks or monitoring you may be due to have.
How to book
If you’ve been sent a text message that contains a self-book link, you can book this online with ease.
Alternatively, you can visit the practice, or contact us by telephone on 01253 344544.
If you do not want this appointment, please let us know as soon as possible by calling 01253 344544.